Due to the impending storm, East Brunswick Public Library will close at 4:00 PM.



Join Insectropolis as they present their bugs on the go program!

A unique, memorable and educational program where participants will learn about this often misunderstood tiny animals.

There will be live animals! Please join us in learning about these cool creatures.

Ages 4 and up

There are four different sessions of the same presentation available. 

Please register online

The MoleCOOL Scientist: Extract DNA from a Strawberry (Zoom)

Teen Volunteer Shreya D. will show you how to extract DNA from a strawberry! Shreya will go through the process and give you the instructions to try on your own later! This is an informational program and you are not expected to follow along. 

This program is designed for kids in grades 4th through 6th, but all are welcome to attend.

Please register in advance by clicking "Join Event" to receive the Zoom login information so you have it before the program starts! Details will be re-sent to all registrants a half an hour prior to program start.

Take the Winter Reading Challenge!

Kids in kindergarten and up are invited to take on the Winter Reading Challenge!  The challenge runs from Tuesday, January 16th through Thursday, February 29th. 

Pick up a BINGO board at the children's desk anytime you're at the library.  Get five in a row and select a prize book that you can keep FOREVER!  That's because reading is its own reward.  :)

Winter Reading Challenge Begins!

Kids in kindergarten and up are invited to take the Winter Reading Challenge!  The challenge runs from Tuesday, January 16th through Thursday, February 29th. 

Pick up a BINGO board at the children's desk beginning today.  Get five in a row and select a prize book that you can keep FOREVER!  That's because reading is its own reward.  :)